Love is in the air

And when it is in the goat pen… it stinks. Buck aroma is not our favorite smell on the farm, ranking a close second to skunk. However, it is necessary for those cute little goat kids. No smell usually means no kids.


Figuring it out

We aren’t the best gardeners, mostly due to time, but we are figuring it out. Excited that my carrot experiment (educating myself and following how others do it 😀) worked out.


Busy weekend #2

Applesauce anyone? Apple trees are finally producing what I consider enough to mess with. Going to try apple pie filling too. Fingers crossed it’s yummy.


Busy weekend

Canning is always time intensive, but oh so worth it. Potatoes are some of our favorites…fried, mashed, whole, stewed, or any other form.


Fair time!

Even with the crazy in 2020 we can keep a little bit of normal with a local county show. Goats and heifers- got to love them!


She is back!!!

Another National FFA convention wrapped up! She had an amazing time! FFA is hands down one of the best organizations out there. So much is learned, gained and developed while you are a member. After graduating high school- the rewards are still there.

Challenges can be overcome...

Sometimes our little calves have challenges. This little bull was born late last night and has buckled under front feet. A few soda bottles, thick padding and of course duck tape fixes him right up. He should be running soon!

Fair time or Crazy time?

It's fair season. It's also the season for really early mornings, late suppers, hay rash, rope burns, tired kids, and grouchy parents. It's also the season for spending time with friends, excitement for the rain to have held off, thankfulness for the hay in the barn, and good feelings when the ribbon reflects the work.

Sometimes it is sad...

We don't always have picturesqu events. Sometimes they really stink. Not every kid goat you help deliver will be that next fair companion or herd doe. Sometimes you have a sad situation that you don't understand, but you understand what you have to do.


This is her happy place...

Her 1st time sitting on her nearly two year old nurse mare foal. She has raised this filly since she was 7 days old. She has been her mama since we brought her home from Last Chance Corral rescue facility. ♡
